Monday 23 January 2012

Title: 'Dawn'

Hilly sky,
Between cats is a place where I fly,
Do not stand at the fancy comet and glow,
Dawn against the shady crow.
When will the night streak?
Its been so chic.
Poem by Rev.Bola. A.

Title: 'My Own Star'

Title: 'MY OWN STAR' - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.
I dream away my fears
  And make a wish!

Suddenly, across my mind 
This great big pointy star appears
With exquisite music
Not a hint of blemish
And such utterly pure 
Poetry by Rev.Bola
(Copy-wrong: 23,1,12 -ARR) 

Thursday 19 January 2012

Title: 'Love's Eye'

 Aging is an aspect of nature that has baffled human-beings for eons. Today in popular culture much emphasis is placed on youth. So much so that getting old has become a source of great stress for many. Women in particular, are prone to worry about their looks fading from aging, and many attempts are made to at least slow down, if not completely reverse, the aging process.

For that very purpose much money and energy is spent on diets, exercise equipment, technologies, creams, lotions, potions, and various types of treatments and therapies including some that are considered rather dramatic like plastic surgery, and bot-ox. The need to look our best, is very understandable, and the lengths we are willing to go for that, are very much a matter of personal preference and individual choice, but like everything else in life, it is important to know where and when to draw the line.

I would certainly draw the line at women harming themselves, risking their overall health, and disfiguring themselves in the attempt to either find or keep a sexual partner, or a particular kind of vocation. Whilst there are many qualified and gifted practitioners doing wonderful work in this area, we also have the horror stories of addiction to plastic surgery, and of naturally beautiful people who are convinced that they are really ugly.

Yet whether we agree with it or not, aging and eventually dying, is a reality of our existence in this time and space universe that we all must deal with, and it is very important that we do so in healthy ways, which do not injure us or our environment, individually or collectively.

Ideally, we could develop are self-image and self -esteem, based entirely on God's vision of us. For God sees each and everyone of us His/Her creations, as unique, precious, completely valuable, marvelous and beautifully made. It would do us a great deal of good, to remember this fact and teach it to our youth.

Ibeji is aware that for many women, the opinion of their body, which t is held by their partner i.e. husband, boyfriend extremely important. Therefore men can certainly help a great deal, in this endeavor, by encouraging their female partners to feel naturally more beautiful, and to appreciate them more, for who they are on the inside.So who do you listen to now, about your body and your looks?

I know I was never fully happy with myself until I began to see myself as God sees me, and to accept God's view of me as my truth. Then I began a daily routine of reminding myself repeatedly of God's truth about me and my body, and thanking God for it. And so this has been my main way of 'growing older gracefully' (rather than disgracefully). Hence, the following poetry:-


How can it be thus?

How can Love's eye be true,
Against confounding age's cruel knife,
And this thy hand, against thy self approve

That, though no form of thee hast left behind
O! in what sweat dost thou thy sins encase. 
To follow that which flies before thy face,
Lift up thy burning head, each under eye
Where his love-kindling fire doth surely lay
So far from home into thy deeds to pry,
Whilst he, the sovereign will watch the clock for thy,

So should thy papers, yellowed with their age,
Straight in his heart that mercy come to cage
Thou must each day say o'er the very same;  
Thou art my all-the-world, and we must strive again.
Poetry by Rev.Bola
(Copyright: 21.1.12 -ARR)

*Prayer Art - From Art Collection by Rev.Bola

Title: 'That Program'

In days past, green gremlins idly watched
The crushed creature stalk its prey
Beating like a mantis the situation fell to cool motives
Everlasting pillories musing through the sky,
Figment of the imagination ?
Never.. . The dethroning went on
The Robot picked up the torn wing and stapled it back on the fairy
"Egad!" The Programmer yelled with quite a harsh overtone as
The TV repairman liberated the untrustworthy reel.
Just as the brittle leaf hits the listless tree,...
Lifeless never, helpless never, but most certainly convincing
The Robot gave its all, but lost bitter sweet to time.
Poetry by Rev.Bola A.
(copyright: Jan 2012 -ARR)

Title: 'Desert Forever'

The Desert's Abandonment
The night's lustre!
The wind's rapture!
The ocean emanates  sorrow.
Oh, no! But Oh yes!

Reject nothing, embrace all
It is as though
Eternity dwells on barren delight.
And yea!
The sun lingers in steaming knowledge.
Might not Heaven hold meetings 

On her frozen dew drops?
Sense the delights of hearts afloat
Notice the engagement of minds in motion
Alas, no end exists
For a beginning never was
Neither can life perish or fade
And, forever is but a dream.
Poetry by Rev.Bola A.
(copyright: 19.1.12 -ARR)
Title: 'DESERT ABANDON' 21 /C.Penc - (From Set)  -

Friday 6 January 2012

Title: 'SELFWORTH' - Poetry Exercises


I feel Esteemed ........
when I accomplish 
what I set out to accomplish.
I feel Esteemed .......
when I hear God and obey.
I feel Esteemed ........
when I acknowledge 
what the angels tell me.
I feel Esteemed .......
most of the time.
I feel Esteemed ........ 
when I accept that 
I am not of this human reality.
I feel Esteemed ........ 
when I acknowledge 
my non-physical, non-human self.


I feel powerful....
when I am in my home.
I feel powerful....
around my own thoughts.
I feel powerful....
when listening to uplifting music.
I feel powerful...
when I create a surplus.
I feel powerful ....
when I create beautiful things.
I feel powerful ....
when I can let go 
of being a physical being.
I feel powerful.....
when I can list my spiritual 
and social activities 
with their accomplishments.


The most important thing 
to know about me is....

That a large part of me isn't human.
That a large part of me has goals 
that are non-material.
That I have no racial or gender inferiority. 
That I am spiritually very resourceful.
That I am inclined 
to love everyone equally, relatives or not.
That I like Esoteric subjects.
Poetry by Rev.Bola
(copyright: 6.1.12 -ARR)

Title: 'SELF-ESTEEM 45' /Acryl - (From Prayer Art Set) by Rev.Bola


Wednesday 4 January 2012

Title: 'Adult Child' - Part 4 (Fe-Ministry Poetry Series)

Part 4
Title: 'Adult Child'

I'm not
Even nearly like you
That false belief,
We must undo
For I never grew up you see
In a love-filled Christian family,
Spotlessly free of calamity.
Nor do I today
Have that someone
That like you,
I can easily, fall back on.

I am,
But an adult survivor
Of distressing childhood trauma.
I was raised with unenviable drama.
Just managed to survive it all
With the Grace and Mercy of God.
No one else really cared,
But The Lord.

Were you
Beaten up every day
By those who agreed to raise you?
Then in every conceivable way
Continually undermined by them too?
(I exaggerate not)

Refrain: I was.

Did you
Have to cower, or tip toe
Round adults
You grew up to know?
Get spitefully yelled at or cursed at,
Just for saying hello?

I did.

Were you
Shouted down or sworn at
Each second
You were in their midst?
Till you felt entirely worn out
And thought
You'd no longer exist?

I was.

In your
Childhood and formative years
Were you
Often molested to tears?
By those who
Were considerably older
With none at all to offer
One single adult shoulder,
To help allay your fears?

I was.

All of this happening to you
From your baby-sitters, too?
By indulgent
'Close' family and friends,
Were you
Pressured to mis-understand
Where your
Personal boundaries end?

I was.

Were you
Forced to learn about subjects
That were
Not at all natural to you
Whilst equally
Being denied access
To the ones
You were right to pursue?

I was.

At age 10, to age 13
Each scorching hot afternoon,
Were you
Forced to go begging for water
(just for your washing and drinking),
As though
You were not at all human,
Or even, somebody's daughter?

I was.

Were you
As a minor,
Repeatedly denied
Your access to healthy sanitation?
Or constantly left,
Vulnerable to flies
Diarrhoea and constipation?

I was.

Did you
Suffer so often in youth
From malaria, and mosquito bites?
Or the incessant annoying itching
From all manner of parasites?

I did.

Were you
Raped several times and beguiled?
Then punished and promptly denied
For inviting this all to occur
By enticing those older for more?
Though you never
Got true education
On the nature of sex, as a child?

I was.

Were you
Used as a go between
In your parent's
crumbling relationship?
Bearing the weights
Of such magnitude
That an adult
Could barely equip?

I was.

Were you
Banished from home
And from friends
As a once healthy
Muslim daughter?
To a Catholic-Nuns School far away,
Without access
To clean food, or water?
And whenever
 You cried or complained,
Your punishment
Was harsher than slaughter?

I was.

Were you
Often looked on
By your elders
With a huge amount of disdain?
Their abhorrence for you so obvious
A subject
They could barely contain?
Were you
Given the impression of being
The worst happening,
They could ever have made?

I was.

Were you,
Regularly abused and misused
As housekeeper,
Messenger, chaperone?
Clearing up
After all adult messes
Just to hear them complain and moan?
As upon you,
They piled all their stresses?

I was.

Were you pushed
To escape from your home
To wander the streets all alone
Pondering how come
That day you were born
You were kept,
And not just dis-owned?

I was.

Were you
Told by your parents all year
How much
Of a hindrance you were?
And whenever
You attempted to play
Were made to feel in their way?

I was.

Were you
Ever forced as a minor
To keep standing helplessly by?
While you
Painfully listened and witnessed
As your loved ones
Got battered to cry?

I was.

Were you,
  Generally pushed to take sides
  On your balanced impressionistic wings?
For doing, apparently opposing things?
Constantly caught and embroiled
In adult negative schemes?

I was

I certainly never felt nurtured
I know it appears I'd been tortured...

I was!

And having,
Experienced all this,
Were you,
Able to forgive and release?
To let go of all karmic debt
And relay
Your farewells with a kiss?
 Whilst still wishing
Your Roots great bliss?

I was.
(I kid you not)

I'm not even nearly like you
That false belief
We must undo
For I never
Grew up as you see
In your supportive Christian family
 Spotlessly free of calamity.
Nor have I
That certain someone
Like you have,
And can easily fall back on.

I will neither go back
Or look backward
So don't even ask me to try.
I will never backslide,
Or slide backward
But move forward
In life till I die.

It's forwards
With God, and with Christ
Straight Onwards
Toward a New Age
As written,
Its there in the scriptures
And marked on God's calendar page.


I'm without
As you now, can see
A blood-tie, Christian family.
But those people of the bible are
All part of my Ancestry.
 And today, are my family tree.

So, what ever more must I need
But be simply content indeed

God is my parent,
Christ is my brother,
The Holy spirit, my friend.

 That makes me OK, in the end!
Poetry by Rev.Bola A.
(copyright: 4Jan12 -ARR)
Title: 'I WAS' /W.Col - (From Set) by Rev.Bola
Art by Rev.Bola A.
(copyright: 4Jan12 -ARR)

Tuesday 3 January 2012

'The Fe-Ministry' Series :Shared Experience Black Feminine Ministry - Poems

Part 1

'Black and Bleeding'

Heart naked I lay here
black and bleeding,
yet very blessed.
I am reluctant
but not pressed.
I greet you pleasantly
yet without guilt or blame
my terms I name.
Tumultuous is my truth
and not transitory,
Yet I have been taught
to let the tide of tears
be the speaker that bears
the true story, the real tale
For I am but female.
Almost ancient and ardent
Set apart neither to complain
nor hide the pain
that we bare with Christ
Neither repressed nor forgotten
and mellowed by the human plight
my heart rises to a height
consistent with my conscience.
Deep within my darkest silence
Is where my innocense resides.
I would love to be your 'cheer leader'
but would you let me in, or see me out?
Neither rumbled nor beguiled
I stand beside you, and behind you,
like sweet honey droping dew.
Steady but not stagnant
steadfast and spontaneous,
will be my only response to you.
I am reverential as an angel
tranquil, and all encompassing.
When alone and abroad,
I am uncovered and hailed
Yet at home, with you
why am I hidden and veiled.
Why be so fear-filled?
Hear the voice crying out to be heard,
and screaming, to be honored by you.
Does it seem so impossible?
Not here, from where I stand
so steadfast but spontaneous.
Never stagnant, ever ready
I would respond to you steady
as honey dropping dew,
If you'd but let me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Poetry by Rev.Bola A.
(copyright: 3Jan12 -ARR)

Part 2

'Why Christ Came'

Christ was born,
Our souls to warn
With, happiness, boldness and daring
Not hatred, coldness and fearing.

He invites our capacity
For faith and audacity
To care for the masses
From all social classes

We must stand up, and fight off
This great parasite, of humanity,
That sponges on all, with no right.

The Earth is our home
And we cannot condone
Abuse, which will lead to catastrophe.

The Apocalypse draws nearer
With each passing day,
As routines of our lives
Fall in blind disarray.

Let's not look, with bewilderment
But face our predicament
By pursuing a more wholesome way.

With urgent compassion
Christ calls, in a fashion
That we all, might respond and obey
The Great Light, which He came to portray.

My sisters, my bothers
My fathers, my mothers
Its time, we all joined hands, to pray
For God's, intervention today.
Poetry by Rev.Bola
(copyright: 30Dec11 -ARR)

Part 3

'Snow White'

You are white
So you are excused.
Anything goes
No one blames
you for anything
You are white, snow white
So you are not responsible.
You are white
always right
What does it matter if you
disrespect me today?
You are white
White as snow.
you are allowed to disrespect
anyone you wish.
At the end of the day
you own the world.
Maybe you even
own the universe.
How dare I complain?
When you even brought Christianity
And civilization to my nation.
I should be grateful
no matter what.
Without you I would
have no education.
Without you I would
have no cause to be alive.
You even created my country.
You can slap me
as hard as you wish.
Say whatever you like
To me, about me.
No sin is too big for me
to tolerate from you.
No sin from you
too great to be excused.
It is my duty to forgive you.
Hereafter I am a Christian.
You gave me my religion
And told me how to live it.
So have your way with me
For you are white as snow
You can say and do
whatsoever you wish.
Who am I to hinder
your freedom in any way?
Whatever you do
I should forgive.
As a good Christian
I must be patient
with you and forgive.
So what if you
strip me now
of all that I have?
You gave me everything 
in the first place, didn't you?.
And now I see the light
Never wrong,
you are always right
No matter what,
for you are white
So white, snow white.

- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Poetry by Rev.Bola
(copyright: 4Jan2012 -ARR)