Tuesday 4 October 2011

'Why criticise anything or anyone at all?'

Dear Mother God,
I know I’m here for a reason and I just need the tools and support to take me to the next level.
I am an unstoppable leader and I know I can do it.
I am worthy and I deserve to make millions sharing my unique gift with the world.

Yes I admit I am afraid of trusting humans, I have doubts about them. I don't know whether my fears and doubts are justified, they probably are, but I do know I want to be a millionaire without feeling guilty, ashamed, unworthy, afraid, frustrated, confused, bewildered, doubtful or any of those negative experiences. I ask myself this:-

'What if i never had the capacity within me to criticise anything about reality?' would I not be completely free? so I am willing to give up my need to experience these limiting emotions. What if I relinquished my belief that anything that has ever happened was wrong. I give thanks for this insight.
