Friday 12 December 2014

Title: *Dimensionality and Zone

Title: *Dimensionality and Zone*wide flat dusty road drying paint on native skin trucks carve the valley a night owl in a tree callsshe is shimmering down hark, the call of birds forest deer culled by the road -----------------------------Poetry by Rev.Bola{copyright: 12.Dec.2014 -ARR}----------------------------------------

Saturday 27 September 2014

Title: *AGAINST...

Title: *LAUGHTER* Light Orb 36
Against An Awful Puppet

Against an awful puppet,
That fair, parsimonious, 
Shiny muppet,
Of shiny, whiny gong,
He did prolong.
Laughter Poetry by rev.bola


 Title: *Laughter* Light Orb
*The Day Begins With An Old Galley

That harmonious, sleepy, punky valley,
Shall I compare thee to a cheeky tree?
The day begins with an old galley,
Of blonde, flatulent glee.
Laughter Poetry by Rev.Bola

Friday 25 July 2014

Title: *The Morning's Oysters* - Freestyle

Title:*ABLE* Orb - from collection painted by Rev.Bola

Title:*The Morning's Oysters*
A wanderer quivers 
in the laughter
 of fermented agony.
A red rose shines
 like the water 
of frozen outhouses.
The ocean dwells 
on the ecstasy of 
Heaven's dew drops.

My love dances
 to black oysters.
A wet cave lingers
 in the morning's sorrow.
The sun calls forth
 refridgerated delight.
Free Style Poetry
by Rev.Bola - 17.Jul.2014

Title:*FUN RHYMES - Summer 2014*

Title:*ABSOLVED* Light Orb 2 - from set painted by Rev.Bola

Too Many Toes

the ceremony of 
innocence is drowned. 

it comes and goes, 
it comes and goes 

we see the path 
that we have planned 

save the ones 
with too many toes 

Courtney Love

I've had a 
Courtney Love kind of day 

transported to the dreams
 of the unaffected, 

And how do you 
make them go away? 

birds evaporate into 
a sky greenly tainted

Like a bell

Alas, they are necessary 
And she sings like a bell. 
and the wind cried, "Mary." 
I think that is swell.

Peas and mash

his green eyes glared 
from the back of the bin 

for those who do, 

are soon to croak 

Safe it is, when 

you keep it within 

Mashed potatoes, 

where's the gravy tin?

The Wind's Dew Drops

My love dwells 
on black outhouses.
Might not the sun quiver
 in purple dew drops?
The morning holds meetings
 on Eternity's agony.
Shall not a wanderer 
ponder the moon's rapture?

Heaven bathes 
in the sorrow
 of refridgerated laughter.
A wet cave's bananas!
The ocean shines 
like reflective water.
Forget it!

Koshi knows

   Always flat, but far,
Koshi knows 
all light prisons.
Angry, she grumbles.


Crawl, glow. 
With old brooks
Bubble, despair. 
With dry pines
Shine, sing: 


Misty fields of grass 
feel death caress them daily, 
time patiently waits.

Quiet fills the land 
sharing a youthful wisdom, 
sunset has arrived.

i am alone at
night and
throughout the day 
that she came up to
you always
 my heart broke
in two when he
walked by one day 
the bubble
eventually popped
 and there is no tomorrow 
and there is war 
in the cause of
between lands!

 don't let them go,
 into despair little
beads of glass
all around. strips
of colour
form a band,
then silence......
the wind
blowing in the
goodbye ladybug!
i'll miss you so! 
we were in
i wanted to say, 
my heart will heal one day.
as the little
glass stars glint in the
trees  it
won't be for too long, 
i fear.

this tree i climb is
harder, the torture we
cross on
this dread i can't help
but to me, i must
prepare for strife.
Poems by Rev.Bola