Monday 30 November 2009

Freedom From 'Enabling' Sin

Holy Spirit,
I received a liberating message from you today. I now recognize that in the past, I have been an 'enabler'. By this I mean that I have sort to get love, attention, respect and approval from others people, by enabling their unhealthy habits and attachments. I assumed in my ignorance of truth, that if I supported people in meeting their goals that they would appreciate me more.

Back then I never made the clear distinction between people's higher will goals and their lower will goals, and unfortunately as many of the people I was associated with were neither 'born again' or 'fully awakened' to their higher wills, I usually ended up as, an enabler to their lower will (otherwise known as the ego). Now I understand why many of these relationships were problematic and did not work out in the long run. In my ignorance, I have enabled alcoholics to consume more alcohol, addicts to continue abusing drugs, shop-aholics to continue spending money on things they don't need to buy. I have enabled sex addicts to continue abusing sex, relationship addicts to continue abusing relationships, and so on. I have learned sometimes the hard and painful way, that you don't get more love and appreciation from aiding addictions, or being 'good and obedient' with the devil in any way, shape or form. In fact you get the complete reverse. More stress, more pressure, more negativity, more pain.

Holy Spirit, this has been a liberating realization for me, as I definitely do not want to have the role of 'enabler' of sin, in anyone's life; least of all in the lives of people I profess to care about most like my family, my community, and my friends.

I thank you that I am today a new person in Christ Jesus. I am born again, and by your Grace I am now wiser. Thank you for healing me from the need to get attention, and approval by enabling people with their bad habits. Thank you for taking the burden of that oppression from my shoulders. I am grateful that with your help and grace is is o much easier for me now, to say 'no' to such things; and to do it knowing without any doubt that I am doing the best thing for people, when I say no to enabling their bad habits. That is the true power of love, the power of your love.... of the love of Christ and I am so very grateful that this is so now.

By Rev.Bola.A
(Copyright: 30Nov'09 - ARR)
Abundant Life Ministries