Title:*WISDOM* /Oils - Visual Prayer Art from Set by Rev.Bola |
Wisdom is....
sagacity, sageness, sapience, penetration,
perceptiveness, discernment; sound judgment, clear thinking, clearheadedness,
common sense, rationality; understanding, intelligence, brains, Inf. gray matter, Sl. smarts;
judiciousness, judgment, perspicacity, perspicaciousness, acumen; reason, sense,
Inf. horse sense, astuteness, perspicuity;
intellectuality, prescience, depth, reach of thought, wit, mother wit; shrewdness, foresight, providence, prudence. Wisdom is learning, erudition, knowledge, enlightenment; scholarship,
education, attainment.
Wisdom is...
A reason to endure fearlessly
Without feeling and logic
Perhaps eternal but also fiery
Perpetually relentless
Never dashed.
The proof to bear unabashed
Through soul and questioning
Undyingly supreme yet fierce
Unboundedly strong
Never humbled.
Wisdom is the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting insight.
It is common sense and good judgment: the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge,
experience, understanding, common sense, and insight; accumulated knowledge,
erudition, or enlightenment
Synonyms for Wisdom include: caution, discernment, insight, or perception.
Wisdom is...
An excuse to suffer dashingly
Despite intellect and prudence
Constantly heavenly as if frightening
Timelessly passionate
Never doomed.
The wisdom to live bravely
Wanting sanity and love
Unboundedly divine and sometimes furious
Constantly stormy.
Never supressed.
Wisdom has, in the Western tradition, been listed as one of four
cardinal virtues.
Wisdom is also significant within Christianity. As a
virtue it is a manner or propensity to execute the right action under
given circumstances. This implies a possession or seeking of knowledge
of the given circumstances. This involves a comprehension of people,
things, events and situations, and the willingness and the capability to
apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with an discernment of what is the right course of actions.
Wisdom is...
A force to take passionately
Past thought and wit
Perpetually beautiful perhaps bold
Ceaselessly powerful
Never defeated
A sense to breathe daringly
Free of reach and judgement
Never perfect as well as awful
For ever primitive
Never restrained.
It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions")
so that universal principles, values, reason and knowledge prevail to
shape one's actions. In brief, wisdom is a disposition to find the truth
coupled with an optimum judgement as to right actions. Paul the
Apostle, in his first letter to the Corinthians, argued that there is
both worldly and divine wisdom, urging Christians to imitate the latter.
Prudence, which is intimately related to wisdom, became one of the four
cardinal virtues of Catholicism. The Christian philosopher Thomas
Aquinas considered wisdom to be the "father" (i.e. the cause, measure,
and form) of all virtues.
Wisdom is...
The argument to accept boldly
Free from soundness and defence
Ceaselessly mystical and brutal
Eternally raging
Never crushed.
A wit to stand courageously
Beyond spirit and debate
Timelessly infinite but ultimately intense
Undyingly raving
Never overcome.
Nicholas Maxwell, a contemporary philosopher in the United Kingdom,
advocates that academia ought to change its focus from the acquisition
of knowledge to seeking and promoting wisdom, which he defines as the
capacity to realize what is of worth in life, for oneself and others. He
teaches that modern knowledge and technological know-how advance our
dominion to act which, without wisdom, may cause human pain and death as
well as human benefit. Wisdom is the application of knowledge to attain
a positive goal by receiving direction in governing oneself.
Wisdom is...
An excuse to suffer dashingly
Wanting sanity and love
Unboundedly divine and sometimes furious
Timelessly passionate
Never crushed.
A reason to endure fearlessly
Without feeling and logic
Never perfect as well as awful
Constantly stormy
Never doomed..
Intelligence—if only anyone could figure out precisely what it is—may be
essential for wisdom, but it definitely isn't enough; an ability to see
the big picture, a sense of proportion, and noteworthy self-reflection
also contribute to its unfolding. Wise people commonly share an optimism
that life's problems can be solved and exercise a certain amount of
serenity in facing arduous decisions.
Wisdom is...
The argument to accept boldly
Despite intellect and prudence
Constantly heavenly as if frightening
For ever primitive
Never defeated.
The wisdom to live bravely
Free of reach and judgement
Perhaps eternal but also fiery
Perpetually relentless
Never supressed.
Wisdom It can be difficult to explain Wisdom, but people
generally recognize it when they encounter it. Psychologists pretty much
agree it involves an integration of knowledge, experience, and deep
perception that embodied tolerance for the uncertainties of life as well
as its ups and downs. There's a knowingness of how things play out over
time, and it confers a sense of equilibrium.
Wisdom is...
A sense to breathe daringly
Through soul and questioning
Ceaselessly mystical and brutal
Unboundedly strong
Never humbled.
The proof to bear unabashed
Free from soundness and defence
Undyingly supreme yet fierce
Eternally raging
Never restrained.
Wise people generally share an optimism that life's problems can be
solved and experience a certain amount of calm in facing difficult
decisions. Intelligence—if only anyone could figure out exactly what it
is—may be necessary for wisdom, but it definitely isn't sufficient; an
ability to see the big picture, a sense of proportion, and considerable
introspection also contribute to its development.
.Wisdom is...
A wit to stand courageously
Past thought and wit
Timelessly infinite but ultimately intense
Ceaselessly powerful
Never overcome.
A force to take passionately
Beyond spirit and debate
Perpetually beautiful perhaps bold
Undyingly raving
Never dashed.
Peace and Love