Tuesday 22 February 2011

'Great Quotes'

Favourite Quote no1*
 'There's a lot of skeletons in my closet, but I know what they are wearing. I'm not gonna act all ashamed of it'
-Naomi Watts

Rev.Bola's commentary
Do we still have things from our past that we keep revisiting? Old, tired, worn out ideas, mistakes, memories that haunt us? Well we also have the freedom to let go off them. When we recognise that part of the purpose of life on earth, is to learn by our mistakes; then we are able to exercise our forgiveness of the past, and to also be grateful, that we actually made it to be where we are today. The past was never meant to hold us back, or keep us in bondage. Let us be set free today by letting go of the past, and living our lives fully in the present moment, as much as possible. Our present situations really do need our undivided attention.


Favourite Quote no2*
'There is no ''fix'' that's good enough for everyone. Do you know what feeds your spirit?'
-Anne Wilson Schaef

Rev.Bola's commentary
We really are individuals, and often require very different things to others. We can let ourselves be who we are and allow others that freedom also. One man's tastes may be very different to another's, that does not mean that either of them is in the wrong. It is vital that we keep our discernment of what is right or wrong for us, and yet refrain from passing judgement on others, concerning what they believe is right for them.

Favourite Quote no3*
'Sometimes the big picture just looks too big, We need to break down our tasks into little pieces and do one step at a time. Who can take two steps at a time anyway?
-Anne Wilson Schaef

Rev.Bola's commentary
I learnt something very valuable from the 12 step recovery movement, started by Alcoholics Anonymous. Though I am not, and have never been an alcoholic, I indeed have suffered, from the harmful effects of another's alcoholism and other addictive behaviours, and I have also myself been in recovery from co-dependency. One principle that really enhanced my spiritual recovery, was the reality that no task or achievement is too great, when it is broken down into manageable portions. The premise being to tackle and focus on just one little bit at a time.

Giving up cigarette smoking was one of the toughest addictions I ever had to overcome. I managed it quite successfully however, by applying the simple principle of a little bit at a time, one day at a time. This really is a miraculous principle equally as powerful as that of the Secret or The Law of Attraction. If you don't believe me, just watch ants at work creating an ant hill; and if you still are of the mistaken belief, that little things don't matter, consider the mosquito! I have had the good fortune of spending some time in Africa, in areas where mosquitoes are rampant, and malaria fever is a regular part of life. So I have personal experience of exactly what a mosquito can accomplish, and what a bite from a mosquito can create.

Love and Light always
Rev.Bola A

 *PrayerArt by Rev.Bola A
  Title: 'ANT HILL' -- Feb'11.

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